UH College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Antarctica Research May Shed Light on Polar Ice Breakdown
Julia Wellner is looking forward to her two-month-long, taxpayer-funded cruise, but there won’t be any poolside lounging, spa visits or blackjack tables. more
Undergraduate Wins Research Award for Project Linking Mammals, Parasites
Trace the family tree back far enough - way past the chimpanzee and Neanderthal - and you might find a microscopic parasite, according to a University of Houston student researcher. more

Geosciences Hosts GIS Celebration at UH This Week
Geographic information systems, known as GIS, is technology that you likely access everyday, possibly without realizing it. more

Physicist's Research May Improve Flow on Highways, Internet
Relieving congestion on networks ranging from city streets to the Internet to wireless communication could be as simple as finding the right routes, according to research from a UH physicist. more