UH College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Welcome to Your First Issue of Breakthrough

Innovation. . .revolution. . .a leap forward: All define a "breakthrough.” And all aptly describe myriad developments from the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics — from researchers’ significant discoveries, to notable achievements of alumni, to exceptional promise shown by NSM students, and more.

For that reason, we’ve dubbed this new electronic newsletter Breakthrough. We’ve initiated this publication to keep you — our alumni and friends — informed on an even more timely basis about all the exciting NSM happenings.

Not only will you be receiving this new newsletter monthly, but you also now will be able to easily manage your e-mail profile and preferences with the college and the university thanks to a new broadcast e-mail system.

Additionally, you’ll continue to receive Momentum, the college’s quarterly publication, through the mail.

We welcome your comments and suggestions about this new system, and, as always, look forward to hearing from you with updates on your career, family, and special interests.


John L. Bear
Dean, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
University of Houston
© 2007 The University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun Rd. Houston, Texas 77004, (713) 743-2255